Federal judge greenlights unprecedented, high-risk, highly radioactive liquid...
Political cartoon by Adam Zyglis, the Buffalo News[Please note: this scheme is at its core a pro-reprocessing effort by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). DOE's last reprocessing capability is at the...
View ArticleCentralized interim storage of irradiated nuclear fuel at Eddy-Lea Energy...
As reported by the Los Angeles Times: Holtec officials say that WCS’ problems haven’t deterred their plans for an underground storage site, saying interim storage could save the federal government...
View ArticleHouse NDAA Blocks DOE From Reclassifying High-Level Waste in Wash. State
As reported by the ExchangeMonitor. NDAA is short for National Defense Authorization Act. The high-level radioactive waste that the U.S. Department of Energy would like to now call "low-level" is an...
View ArticleSellafield nuclear waste site (in U.K.) to close due to coronavirus
Magnox reprocessing plant will begin controlled shutdown after 8% of staff self-isolate As reported by The Guardian.
View ArticleOpposition needed to HB 104, the "ANTHEM Act," as Ohio Senate Energy and...
Here is the link to the Nov. 29, 2020, 56-organization coalition letter of opposition. Patricia Marida of the Ohio Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Committee has also prepared a concise Opponents' Analysis of...
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